RowanD's Sam and Teal'c Stories from newest to oldest...

Signal Fire -- "She's clinging to solid arms that are nearly all she has of home." Text File

Tilt and Balance -- "Too long every smile has ended with a swirling wisp of sadness and
the phantoms of things unforgiven." GateShip Wednesday Shorts
'Foresaken' challenge fic
Text File

Night Voices -- "But of all the dangers Sam Carter had faced in her life at the SGC, she
had just been taken down by the utterly terrestrial danger she'd been training
to avoid since she was a pre-teen--the man in black with a van that grabs
women from parking lots."
Text File
~~Winner Best Episode-Based Story, Friendship: Other - Stargate Fan Awards 2005~~
~~Winner Best Hurt/Comfort Story, Friendship: Other - Stargate Fan Awards 2005~~

Copyright (c) 2006 Rowan Darkstar